Somatic Bloom Therapy

About Natasha

Natasha Boldireff, Clinical Somatics Practitioner and Certified Therapeutic Yoga Teacher

I have been a yoga teacher in my beloved Orangeville and area community for almost 20 years. I came to yoga to better understand what was in my way and to discern who I am. In my formative years of teaching I could not help but recognize that many people, myself included, were fighting with themselves on the mat and in their daily lives.

I was impassioned to better understand the struggle I was witnessing and experiencing. In my pursuit of effective solutions, I became a Therapeutic Yoga Teacher, eventually mentoring many yoga teachers, over the course of several years. During this time, I learned how to truly meet and hold a space of healing for another person, as well as how to see what parts of their body were influencing other parts. These skills have proven to be indispensable.

Ever-evolving, I wanted to delve further and get to the root of understanding what was missing for people in their recovery and wanted to learn more about why patterns reassert themselves and what is truly in the way of musculoskeletal movement and holding patterns. Clinical Somatics provided the answers and continues to do so.

My mission is to educate about the brilliant design of our body and the soma’s desire to return to balance. I alchemize principles from somatic exploration and therapeutic movement, apply sound and breath work and draw from the miracles and foibles we encounter in life. We are very adaptive and have the ability to return to move in the way we were designed to move, contracting without pushing, being active without straining or forcing, it is then that we can return to the grace in movement, restful repose and reclaim maximum recovery. To witness your body unfold, and bloom is the greatest gift for you to sense and feel and for me to behold.

I com/passionately and primarily work privately with people of all abilities and ages, who have a wide variety of customized needs. I work effectively and collaboratively with all members of an individual’s health team. I also thoroughly enjoy teaching several classes within the community.

  • Clinical Somatic Education Professional 3-Year Training Program, Class of 2018, Somatics Systems Institute, Northampton, MA, USA (Oct 2016-April 2019)
  • Marissa Peers: Uncompromised Life Hypnotherapy Online via Mind Valley, August 2016
  • NICABM How to Rewire the Traumatized Brain with Bessel van der Kolk July 2016
  • NICABM The National Institute for the Clinical
    Application of Behavioral Medicine Next Level Practitioner Program (Feb 2016-2017)
  • Functional Synergy Somatics Program led by Nadine Saxton (Psychotherapist/Cranial-Sacral Therapist/Movement Therapist) January 21-23, 2016
  • Functional Synergy $50K Online Program July 2013-June 2014
  • Functional Synergy Therapeutic Yoga Certification Program – Year 2, Calgary, AB (September 2012-August 2013)
  • Rhythmic Movement Training – Level Two for Emotions, Memory and Behaviour (Theory and Techniques), Calgary, AB, June 23, 2013
  • Rhythmic Movement Training – Level One – RMT for Focus, Organization and Comprehension (Theory and Techniques), Calgary, AB, June 21-22, 2013
  • Functional Synergy Therapeutic Yoga Certification Program – Year 1, Calgary, AB (August 2010-July 2011)
  • Functional Synergy Yoga Thrive for Cancer Survivors, Toronto ON (May 3-4, 2010)
  • Functional Synergy Therapeutic Yoga Intensive, Toronto, ON (September 2008)
  • The Yoga Connection School Yoga Teacher Training, 200 hour Certification, Orangeville, ON (November 2004-May 2005)
  • Lead Kirtan and Meditation Evenings once per month at home studio (January 2011-Present)
  • Attend a monthly Satsang within the community
  • Mentor Therapeutic Yoga Teachers pursuing Certification for Functional Synergy, as well as supports Teachers enrolled in on-line courses with Functional Synergy (September 2011-2016)
  • Assist at Functional Synergy Intensives and with Susi Hately at Toronto Yoga Conferences (2011- 2015)
  • Taught and continues to actively teach Group Classes at various local clubs, organizations, resorts for groups and events (June 2005-Present)
  • Has attended Darshan with Ammachi and received a Mantra and attended Darshan twice with Mother Meera
  • Sponsored and co-ran a Meditation and Movement Day Retreat at Newforest Retreat Centre, Hockley, ON (June 13, 2010)
  • Sponsored and co-ran a Silent Meditation Retreat at Newforest Retreat Centre, Hockley, ON (May 5-9th, 2010)
  • Sponsored and co-ran 2-Day Non-Residential Meditation and Movement Retreat, Brampton, ON (October 17-18, 2009)
  • Sponsored and co-ran Silent Meditation Retreat at Stillpoint Retreat Centre, Picton ON (June 19-21, 2009)
  • Owned and Operated Yogalaya Studio (April – June 2009)
  • Co-owned and Operated Yoga in the Hills Studio (September 2006-March 2009)
  • Sun Salutations Introduction Month-long Online Functional Synergy Course, August-September 2013 (Mentoring)
  • Toronto Yoga Conference March 22-24, 2013: Nourishing your PostureEnlivening your Yoga Asana Inquiry with Bone Circulation (Randal Williams); Happy Hips for Life (Brad Waites); Wrists and Carpal Tunnel Problems Be Gone (Brad Waites); Neuroscience and Yoga: Creating Positive Change (Bo Forbes); The Knees (Susi Hately) – Assisted; Mind-Body Flow: Crafting a Therapeutic Vinyasa Practice (Bo Forbes); Better Backbend Through Breathing (Leslie Kaminoff); Hip Openers and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Nicki Doane); Understanding Breath and Core Support (Nadine Saxton)
  • Mechanics of Breathing Month-long Online Functional Synergy Course, March-April, 2013 (Mentoring)
  • Danny Paradise Yoga and Shamanism, Downward Dog Studio, Toronto, November 2012
  • Digging In Deep: 3D Anatomy for Yoga, Month-long Online Functional Synergy Course, July 2012
  • Toronto Yoga Conference March 22-24: 2012: The Warrior Series (Leslie Kaminoff); I Am My Own Yoga Anatomy Book (Blake Martin); The Knees (Susi Hately) – Assisted; Demystifying the Bandhas (Leslie Kaminoff); Looking Inside a Downward Dog and Up a Tree (Blake Martin); Yoga For Anxiety (Tama Soble); The Most Powerful Breath You’ll Ever Take (Leslie Kaminoff); Back Bending Breakthrough: Establishing a Heart of Courage (Martin Kirk); The Yoga of the Foot – The Anatomy of Support and Gait (Leslie Kaminoff); Simplifying the Shoulder Complex (Margot McKinnon)
  • How to Get Unstuck Month-long Online Functional Synergy Program, February-March, 2012 (Mentoring)
  • Toronto Yoga Conference, April 2011: The Knees (Susi Hately) – Assisted; The Lymphatic Web: Revitalizing the Immune System, Emotional Body, and Happiness Pathways (Bo Forbes); Lumbar-Sacral Blues (Djuna Mascall and Theresa Murphy); The Art of Teaching and Practicing Backbends (Natasha Rizopolous); CranioSacral Techniques for Yoga Teachers (Nadine Saxton)
  • Build your Yoga Business: With Ease, Grace & Intelligence, Susi Hately, Calgary, January 15-16, 2011
  • Toronto Yoga Conference, Spring 2008: Backbends to Pranayama (Rodney Yee); Therapeutic Yoga (Susi Hately); The Knees (Susi Hately)
  • Conscious Living Weekend Retreat with Padma, Toronto, November 3-4, 2007
  • Art of Living Workshop and Darshan with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Toronto, September 21, 2007
  • Toronto Yoga Conference April 24-27 2007: Common Aches and Pains (Gary Kraftsow); Principles of Sequencing (Rod Stryker); Yoga with Padma: Yoga Meditation (Padma); The Five Pranas (Sandra Anderson); Seniors Yoga (Suzette O’Byrne)
  • Toronto Yoga Conference May 5-7, 2006: Preventing Yoga Injuries (Susi Hately); Power of Touch (Tama Soble/Monica Voss); Shoulders: Wings of the Heart (Tod Norian/Ann Greene); Meditation and Pranayama (Michael Stone); Mystics on the Mat (Seane Corn); Backbends (Todd Norian/Ann Greene)

To book a session, contact Natasha at 519-939-9628.