Embodiment Classes: 12 Week Course

Tuesday September 26 – December 12, 2023

Where: Westminster United Church, 247 Broadway

When:  Tuesdays 1 – 2:30pm (a generous 1.5 hour class)

What we will cover: Essentially what it means to be embodied, nourished and supported throughout all the systems in the body…meeting the nervous system first, knowing how to make 12 bridges that are both involuntary and voluntary more deliciously conscious (among them: hands, eyes, face, abdomen, pelvis, shoulders, feet and spine). We’ll also work on finding easier ways of keeping our inflammation markers down, organ motility, vagus nerve support, vascular system flow improved, segmental health, breathwork and always ending in a lovely final relaxation in order to process your newfound appreciation and level of awareness.

Your investment: $180 for a 10-Class pass (provides access for 12 classes in total — two bonus classes included). This makes the cost $18 per class with the grace of missing two classes. So, if you attend all 12 weeks, that will equal $15 per class (less costly than other studio offerings in town and with an additional 30 minutes as compared to most other 60 minute classes). 

Drop-in fee: $25 to drop in for visiting friends or family members.


  • You may pay $180 by e-transfer:
  • You may pay $180 by cheque to Somatic Bloom and drop it off to 88 Lakeview Court or bring it first day of class on September 26th, 2023
  • You may pay $180 in cash on the first day of class

Note: I will be covering the HST of $23.40 per attendee this round. I am sincerely trying to make this course as cost-effective as possible.